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Saturday, 3 March 2012

Yoga as a therapy

Today I want to talk about Yoga and how it is used at the Centre. When someone comes to Soukhyam hospital, whatever the complaint, there are many facets to their treatment. Hydrotherapy, nutrition, fasting, massage, physio - but everyone is given a specific programme of yoga. Here, yoga is used as a therapy, it is not just a random set of exercises, picked out of a hat to improve general flexibility. The exercises for each person are chosen specifically based around their abilities and their problems, and symptoms they are presenting.
Diabetes patients are given exercises to energise the pancreas and the digestion, hypertensive patients are given breathing to calm and relax, people with back problems are given specific exercises that will stretch the area of the back that is causing pain. Yoga supports and underpins all other treatments.
Yoga is a therapy for which each patient is given a prescription of exercise to do every day and it is treated as a central part of the treatment.
Pranayama - breathing techniques - are also prescribed for each person, depending on whether they are showing signs of over stimulation (eg hypertension) or depression (eg low thyroid, or low anything) - the opposite pranayama exercises are given - calming breathing exercises for the overstimulated, and stimulating exercises for the depressed organs.
The beauty about yoga is that firstly, it gives the person some power to take positive action to improve their health, and secondly, it is something that people can carry on doing after they leave here.
It is something that I am learning about and seeing in action and looking forward to applying when I get home. 

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