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Tuesday, 13 December 2011


I went to a herbal workshop on Saturday where I made Elderberry Syrup (have since tasted it and it will not last long!), Fire Cider Vinegar, and Elderberry Elixir.

Firecider vinegar, containing horseradish, garlic, ginger, red chillies and paprika - not much would be able to survive in that, It will be ready in 3 weeks, I shall look forward to torturing my daughter with it!!

Fire Cider Vinegar - Contains Horseradish, garlic, ginger, red chilli, paprika and Cider vinegar
 Elderberries are combined with the other herbs and the whole pot is boiled down to 1/7th

Elderberry Syrup contains elderberries, rose hips, sage, ginger, nutmeg boiled down to 1/7th

A magical Violet Syrup, magical because it is a green colour until you add the lemon, where it turns magically pink
Violet Syrup - Violets steeped in hot water, with lemon, sugar         

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